Move your Body
Whether it’s a short walk around the park; a dance around your living room; or a short Tai Chi routine to boost your immune system our bodies thrive on any kind of physical activity.
Be kind to your body; don‘t push yourself beyond your limit, be aware of a how your back feels, how your neck feels; choose something that you enjoy.
During ‘Journey to Wellness’ always started our session with some form of movement. We danced as a group to Salsa, the ‘Candy Dance’ and Macarena. You could do any of these on your own at home or invite a friend over and do them together.
We participated in Yoga Asanas, we enjoyed relaxing Tai Chi movement. We played with hoops and developed our own collaborative routine, we even tried Jump Rope with our own hand made rope.
Is there a leisure centre near you where you could join a free Keep Fit class?
If you have internet access Danni runs a class online on Monday evenings at 7 pm and you‘re welcome to participate. Check this link for Zoom details. Only 10 to 15 minutes of some type of movement every day will have a positive impact on your Well Being.