Aromatherapy, Oils and Pressure Points
Two Senses, Touch and Smell
Using Aromatherapy oils has many health benefits and a knowledge of Pressure Points combined with Aroma therapy oils can have dynamic health benefits. In our Wellness Toolkit we combined these two powerful ancient therapies to help address some common health issues.
Here are some examples:
If you’re feeling a little depressed or anxious try using Bergamot; alternatively use Ylang Ylang. Perhaps you have an upset stomach select Melisa or Peppermint.
Trouble sleeping? Use Lavender Oil or apply some Geranium. The list of Oils and Pressure points that you can use is endless. It’s important to remember to always mix your aromatherapy oil with a blender oil such as Almond oil or Coconut oil .
As a Rough Guide, two drops of Aromatherapy oil in a tablespoon with a blender oil times 2 is a good guestimate.
During our Well Being Workshops we explored arrange of Common Ailments and their respective Pressure Points on the Hands. For instance, if someone was suffering from a cold we would massage and press the top of the thumb with an oil like Tee Tree [Please see diagrams of some of the pressure points we explored]. Another Point where we could also apply pressure and massage is the area of the lungs which is below the little finger and ring finger just above the Head Line, on both hands using Tea Tree oil or Frankincense. Tapping between the eyes where the eyebrows meet is also helpful. For sinusitis massage and press the top of all the fingers
If you’re suffering with Period pains I would recommend choosing Neroli oil and applying pressure in the middle of the inside of the hand between the base of your thumb and index finger. {See photograph}
Headaches was another problem to be addressed. We did this using Rosemary Oil blended with Chamomile. Open the right hand and place your other thumb at the base of the joint with the index finger. {Check appendices} The Women in the Journey to Wellness Group are using this knowledge to sustain their Wellness.
Trust your senses they won’t let you down.