Self Help Resources

Migrant Portal – West Midlands

The Migrant Advice Portal is a hub to access support and to better connect asylum, refugee and migrant services across Birmingham and the West Midlands.

Projects that help with destitution

Homeless, sleeping on a sofa, there are options for refused asylum seeking women (and men) who want to get support and re-engage with the immigration system:

Current Section 95 / Sec 4 applications via:

Help with Health Costs

People seeking protection, or on a low income can get help with health costs, NHS website info here. This means free prescriptions, travel costs to hospital appointments, eye and dental care. Fill out an HC1 form to get a HC2 Certificate. 

When you claim asylum, and apply for asylum support, you will be given an HC2 certificate. They should send you updated ones automatically, but you may need to reapply after 6 months, when it expires. Contact Migrant Help for assistance, there free asylum helpline is available 24/7/365 and accessible to all asylum seekers in the UK. Just call 0808 8010 503.

You can pick up a form at your GP, or if you live  in Birmingham, they have them at Boots by the 37 bus stop. Or get it online here. You can also apply online if your not in asylum support.

If you need help filling in the form, contact a local advice agency.

For women getting universal credit or means tested benefits you also have an exemption, getting travel, optical,  dental and prescription help  – you can find this information on a printed letter or a section of your online journal.

Info on the NHS website: The updated prescription forms include a new exemption box U ‘Universal Credit and meets the criteria’ for patients who are entitled to free NHS prescriptions because they claim Universal Credit and their earnings in their last assessment period are within the threshold.

If you’re entitled to free NHS prescriptions because you claim Universal Credit and you meet the earnings criteria above, until you are presented with the updated prescription form you should continue to tick the Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance box (box K).

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