Wellbeing and Therapy

1-1 Wellbeing Services

Counselling sessions are offered for free by qualified therapists on a limited basis to women we are already assisting.

We have Life Coaching and Reiki too. Counselling, Life Coaching and Reiki is provided on a voluntary basis from practitioners.

Expenses are given to women for either wifi or bus travel so they can engage.

Women working with Baobab are offered self care sessions to talk with a mentor as they feel its needed. Advocates get self-care funds to relive vicarious trauma. 

Journey to Wellness

Welcome to A Toolkit for Wellness, made by the team from Journey to Wellness at the Buddhist Centre in Birmingham.

Just click on the audio files to set a soundscape for nurturing health and taking care.

Using Aromatherapy oils has many health benefits and a knowledge of Pressure Points combined with Aroma therapy oils can have dynamic health benefits. In our Wellness Toolkit we combined these two powerful ancient therapies to help address some common health issues.

Trust your senses they wont let you down. 

Using Colour to Heal.

Crystals have healing properties. They are a part of Mother Nature’s bounty and can be used to help balance unsettled emotions.

Please use the charts provided for a full description of the Chakras and the corresponding colours, Crystals and meaning.

All the colours of the rainbow belong to you .

Drama is a useful tool for building confidence and increasing Self-Awareness.

When you engage in drama exercises, you are increasing the level of endorphins in your body. Endorphins are feel-good-chemicals which start in the brain and move through your nervous system.

In our Journaling sessions there were no rules of any kind simply thoughts and feelings onto paper or to be exact into the personal notebook supplied.

Themes  were various such as.

  • Recall a happy memory
  • ‘Do something for someone!’

Meditation benefits are that they calm the mind and uplift the spirit with positive energy so that your thinking is clearer.

This practice also relaxes the body so it’s best to do it at night-time, but they can be done at any time as long as you are in a quiet place.


Whether it’s a short walk around the park; a dance around your living room; or a short Tai Chi routine to boost your immune system our bodies thrive on any kind of physical activity.

Be kind to your body; don‘t push yourself beyond your limit, be aware of a how your back feels, how your neck feels; choose something that you enjoy.

More information coming soon

More information coming soon

More information coming soon





Film created as part of a Birmingham University Funded Journey to Wellness Project, initiated and delivered by Sheva Martin.

The co-creation of an intervention for forced migrant women

Link to film maker Amy – details pending

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