Colour Work

Using Colour to Heal

Crystals have healing properties. They are a part of Mother Nature’s bounty and can be used to help balance unsettled emotions. 


For example, if you were feeling as though there was insufficient joy and freedom of expression in your life you might benefit from carrying a piece of Carnelian or any crystal in the orange ray. 

The women in our group discovered that the 7 main energy centres (Chakras) which keep the body vital, vibrate at different rates and each reflect a particular colour ray. 

On ‘Journey to Wellness’ the women played a game with scarves to embed an understanding of the main essence of each of these energy centres. 


They were asked to go and stand at the correct colour scarf depending on the questions asked. 

For instance: 


“You are felling lonely an unloved, move to the colour scarf that will help you counteract these feelings”. 

Answer, the correct colour scarf would be green, or pink linked to the heart Chakra. 

Each of the women chose a coloured scarf to wear that they felt especially drawn to. One of the women who was experiencing difficulty with managing her frustration and anger chose Yellow /Gold, which is linked to the Solar Plexus; our centre of personal power or lack thereof.  

‘A place of Rage or Radiance’. 


It was also explained how we can use colour to balance our emotions by the clothes we wear.  

Let’s look at a scenario; that we have a challenging meeting or interview scheduled for a particular day. Any garment in the blue or turquoise ray would be a good colour to wear because these colours relate to ‘Communication’ which is connected to the Throat chakra. 

Please use the charts provided for a full description of the Chakras and the corresponding colours, Crystals and meaning. 

All the Colours of the Rainbow Belong to You 


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Walk through the Chakras Visualisation

You have plenty of time.

Enough time to nourish


Today you are taking a leisurely walk.

There’s a wooden gateway before you.

It swings open as you approach.

You’re on a wide pathway and stroll confidently ahead.

This path opens onto an expanse of field on either side.

Your eyes are drawn to a magnificent spread of red poppies.

You pause and admire this ‘sea of bright red’;

You notice that your muscles and bones feel relaxed,

that your heart beat is steady.

And you think how wonderful it is to be alive.

The path is rising slightly but you continue to walk.

You are near the brow of a hill.

There are two benches; you read the inscription,

”a place of rest for the lover of nature”.

Someone has planted luminous orange marigolds in large containers

around the 2 benches.

You remember that this is a flower that can be eaten.

You sit down and gently take a petal from one of the many blossoms and taste it.

You think, I’m going to grow some and use them in a salad.

You sit for a while appreciating the generosity of strangers.

As you continue walking the earth begins to level off.

The sun is coming out now, you look up to the heavens

and notice the sun rays spiralling outwards like the star that it is.


You know that ALL things on earth are various expressions of this One Energy

Even you.

How magnificent.

At this moment YOU are shinning like the sun.


You begin walking downwards towards clusters of trees.

Here there is every shade of green around you.

Each step you take feels connected to the scared earth beneath your feet.

You are alone but feel the presence of the Devas of the woodland glen.

You feel surrounded by Love. Held by Love. Safe.

In the clearing you see a lake

A mass of Blue Irises have grown at it’s borders.

It’s very quiet, almost silent.

You move closer to the edge to get a better view look.

The Irises are such a true blue, splendid.

They stand so regally, leaning towards each other as if in some important conversation.

You walk along the side of the lake for a while and notice a small cottage.

You approach this cottage and see a perfectly planted array of purple flowers.

They are the ‘Stars of Persia’.

Standing still you feel calm and a lightness of Spirit.

Someone, who was watching you emerges and gives you one of the sprays.

You thank them.

And turn away to retrace your steps.

Back to the lake.

Through the cluster of trees

Into the sunshine in the open field

Pass the benches with the marigolds

Pass the red poppies.

The wooden gate swings open

And you are home.

Back in the here and now.


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