Creative Visualisation is a form of Meditation
The benefits are that they calm the mind and uplift the spirit with positive energy so that your thinking is clearer.
This practice also relaxes the body so it’s best to do it at night-time, but they can be done at any time as long as you are in a quiet place.
The 3 creative visualisations on the web page have been created by Sheva. The first one is a walk through the countryside and it’s designed to balance each of the bodies’ 7 main Chakras.
The second is for Love and Appreciation. This one aims to encourage you to nurture yourself.
The third one is a stroll along the seashore, to give you an opportunity start healing any turbulence that you may be experiencing in your life.
It is always important to practice some deep breathing before you start a meditation and if possible maintain regular in out breath counts throughout. A count of 4 is a good place to start.
Love and Light Always.
Listen and Imagine
Three Meditations await, find somewhere relaxing, sit or lie back, then
click to listen
Sea Shore Visualisation
This exercise has been adapted from an extract in
‘Realise Your Inner Potential’ by The Aetherius Society.
Lets begin by lying down or sitting down comfortably
and closing our eyes.
Allow your breathing to be slow and regular. ////
Helping your body to release any tension
and your mind to become empty. Still.
Now you are relaxed.
Take hold of your imagination and use your ‘inner eye’ to
visualise a large blank screen, stretching to no end before you.
Step into this screen into a bright sunny day by the sea.
The beach is deserted and you begin to walk along
shoreline on the warm pink sand.
You are wearing open sandals and loose fitting garments.
The sun sand and sea breeze feel welcoming.
You can smell the salty fragrance of the sea air. //
The sky is a perfect blue and the calm sea a perfect turquoise.
You stroll at a leisurely pace feeling the sand between your toes.
Only aware of the soft lapping of water as the sea gently ebbs and flows. Ebbs and Flows.
Only aware of the sea gulls that occasionally appear swoop
Then disappear.//
You pause for a while and revel in the quiet
the peacefulness of this moment. You breathe deeply.
As you breathe in you know that you are absorbing pure Prana;
the real essence of life into the whole of your Auric Bodies.
As you exhale you are releasing everything that no longer serves your higher purpose.
You sit down, close your eyes and breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
You open your eyes feeling refreshed.
You rise and start moving towards the shoreline.
The sand is becoming firmer. Cooler.
You stand near the water and gaze up at the cloudless sky and the calm sea where they meet on the horizon.
The two elements are as one.
At this point you notice a vessel moving smoothly over the water.
It is a ship.
A large white ship with beautiful sails.
Its gliding in the direction towards you.
The ship moves gracefully, effortlessly towards you.
You watch
As it approaches the shoreline you make a decision.
Do you choose to climb on board .
Do you choose to carry on walking ahead along the coast.
Or do you choose to turn around and retrace your steps.
Choose whatever feels right for you.
All is Well.
Let the image of the scene fade.
With your Minds Eye you are back on the blank screen.
You are lying comfortably in your room.
Open you eyes.
And in your own time stand up.
And stretch.
Thank you visiting the beach today.