We are all human

Advocacy & Assistance
Refugee & Migrant Women

We empower women to understand their rights, helping themselves; when documented and undocumented
What We Do

Raising Awareness

We are all human, with skills and dreams.

We raise awareness of the different forms of exploitation and discrimination affecting refugee and migrant women and support them to find a fulfilling ways to live life. Our aims are to find ways to influence positive social change so that issues are prevented from repeating. contribute to the national NGO coalitions including Sisters not Strangers and Lift the Ban Campaign. We want to end detention and destitution, and actively campaign with partners on these issues. We attended the UN CEDAW – UK State review on violence against women in 2018-2019. 

Sharing & Learning Knowledge

Knowledge and experience on important issues is shared through social media, at meetings, training, research & events working with, local and migrant groups, universities, as well as extensive voluntary sector and statutory sector.

Baobab is a member of the Asylum Support Advise Network (ASAN), Coventry Migrant Women’s Houses and the Coventry Night Shelter Projects, We regularly attend the Hope Projects Steering Group, various regional NRPF networks, the West Midlands Migration Forum. When capacity allows we engage with Birmingham based Health and Homelessness Forums. All these arena’s share knowledge among practitioners within statutory, private and voluntary sector service providers to improve services for people who need them.

Community advocates and interpreters provide advise and information to undocumented migrants, asylum seekers as well as newly settled refugees and migrants. 

They connect women to organisations that can assist if we cannot. Our main areas of casework are legal, health housing and money support. 

 Our policy influencing uses recent examples of situations women face from our casework, to document and suggest recommendations for change. This informs and improves practice of policy makers.

Our influencing team, led by and involving experts through experience work with partners to shine a light on policies in practice.

We have a Community Research partnership with CIRC (Community Interest Research Centre), Birmingham University, IRiS, Brushstrokes, PLSF, Women’s Wellbeing, AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group and Maokwo.

Researchers gain new skills, and play a crucial role in project teams across all aspects of integration. 

We have produced a well-being toolkit and are developing a team of women who will take elements of this to others experiencing the system as well as professionals . 

Psychotherapy, Counselling, Reiki and Life Coaching sessions are offered by qualified therapists on a limited basis to women we assist.  Advocates get self-care funds to relieve vicarious trauma.  

We connect destitute women directly to charities that provide accommodation and subsistence funds to forced migrants,  and women with NRPF who experience domestic abuse. 

Partners include Hope Projects, Fatima House, Coventry Night Shelter and  CMWH, rely on us to casework with women to help them move out of destitution. 

Our services are governed and  delivered by a majority of women from the communities we assist.  Influencer and Advisory groups,  bring women together to find strength from each other. Past groups created film and books.

We work closely with the Women with Hope group, often encouraging women to access sessions for social activities, to feel supported and make friends.

Research, Training and Events

We write research on issues affecting women, run events and provide training

Our 2024 Strategic Plan: details our vision, mission and values. Outlines our story in brief. Sets out our goals, targets and priorities for the coming years.

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