Policy & Networking
Our Advocacy has always linked to Policy change, as we cannot ‘just’ process people through a system that causes so much destitution, violence, hopelessness, trauma and sadness. We produced a report on accommodations standards, a report for the UN, CEDAW in 2019, and a report into Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) for people seeking protection. See more on our reports page.
Our current Advocacy and Policy project was established in 2021. The project is funded by the Barrow Cadbury Trust, an independent, charitable foundation, committed to bringing about socially just change. We have since received continuation funding to improve and develop this work.
The project learns about barriers and good practice from the community advocacy. It listens to women getting casework support, and to those engaging with the influencer group to inform professionals on the realities women face when transiting through the asylum and immigration system in the UK. Suggesting ways to improve practice relating to asylum seeking and undocumented Refugee and Migrant women.
Our lead influencer, who has been directly affected by a plethoria of policies which seek to exclude, does casework, and leads our influencing team, of women with lived experience. They discuss issues, critic recommendations and take reports and policy briefings to decision makers to encourage real and lasting system change. They network with other lived experience groups and refugee and migrant charities to work in solidarity with others.
Project Aims
- For women to be heard, and their problems addressed in a dignified and fair manner.
- To work with partners to shine a light on gender policies in practice.
- Educate and inform officials and wider networks.
- Improve policies, and the lives of refugee and migrant women.
Project Objectives
- More statutory sector practice in line with policy standards.
- Clearer picture of gender and migration problems facing women and provide solutions on how to tackle them longer term through awareness raising.
- Understand frontline issues through advocacy and empowering beneficiaries individually and in groups.
- Inclusion of women without prejudice, giving more rights to safety and protection.
Policy and Advocacy Report 2024
This report was informed from casework and influencer work between 2021 – 2024.
- Executive Summary
- Full Report: UK Public Policy Affecting Women Seeking Protection and Migrant Women with NRPF, 2024
Our Findings highlight that the key issues our women identified as being major areas needing improvement were:
• The processing of asylum claims
• Accommodation and support
• Legal advisers, interpreters and the presentation of claims
• Further challenges encountered by women who have no recourse to public funds
• (NRPF), have suffered from domestic violence or are living undocumented
• Healthcare, mental wellbeing and education
Recommendations for positive change are extensive. Our influencers have already started working on:
• Distributing leaflets with clear instructions and links to resources and support for all asylum seekers arriving at ports of entry across the UK, similar to the well-publicised Homes for Ukraine scheme.